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Commissioned Paintings

YES, I Accept Commissions! 

I accept commissions on a case by case basis. I enjoy creating something memorable. A portrait a loved one or pet, vacation spot / memory or something you desire. (no nudes)

Here is the most recent Commissioned Oil Painting

This 24 x 30 was a Joy to paint! This young man is 7 years old with his show heifer. Created in oil on canvas. 

Lucy's Smile

Pet Portraits are a joy! Our pets are family members, friends and so much more.

Lucy was a Christmas gift. I received several photos and created this Watercolor Painting. Her sweet face was a joy to paint.

Do you have a favorite pet?

Use the contact form below to discuss your project.

Window to the Stars

My patron and friend had visited Arches National Park. She had me create a painting to remember their trip and hikes there.


What can I paint for you? 

If you have a favorite memory. I can create a custom commissioned painting just for you. Family Vacation spots, a Pet Portrait or Heirloom item.

Terms are based on subject and content. Use the contact form below and let's discuss your project!

Contact form

Are you an adventurous and love to explore too?

Paintings are created from memories and photos taken during the adventures in my life. I love to capture the beauty that is discovered in my travels. It could be across town, across the state or now I can say across the pond! We went to France last year and soon you will start seeing those paintings filter in!

Let me help you capture a favorite memory.

Use the form above and let me paint your favorite memory!


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